It's OK: Empowering Safety Through Douglas OHI’s Guiding Principles

Douglas OHI Oman recently led a session on the "It'sOK" programme, reiterating the five guiding principles. Team membersactively participated, sharing personal experiences where early action helpedprevent potential incidents. This collaborative discussion reinforced theimportance of proactive intervention and laid a strong foundation for exploringthe remaining principles in the programme.

 The "It's OK" programme consists of five core principles:

1.    Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late! Be proactiveabout safety concerns and address potential risks early.

2.    Talk About It. Encouraging open dialogueabout safety and looking out for one another.

3.    We Are All Leaders in Safety. Empoweringevery individual to take the lead in creating a safer, healthier workenvironment.

4.    If You’re Not Sure, Ask. Promoting a culturewhere it’s acceptable to ask questions and seek clarity.

5.    If You See It, Report It! Ensuring thatemployees report hazards or concerns so they can be addressed promptly.

 Employees participated enthusiastically in the session,sharing insights on applying these safety principles on-site. Thiscollaborative approach reflects Douglas OHI’s commitment to creating aworkplace where everyone feels empowered to look out for one another.

 For more information, please contact

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